Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Pakistani Sikh, A Globalist Sikh: Sardar Suran Singh, Avatar Singh Sekhon

In response to the excellent brief comment posted by Ms. Imaan Hazir Mazari yesterday on the PakNationalists Mailing List, titled Excuse Me, Is CIA Calling Us Terrorists?, I received this email from a prominent leader of the global Sikh community, Mr. Awatar Singh Sekhon. Those who closely follow the issues of Pakistan and the region would find this letter very interesting:

Piare Bhai Sahib ji

Piare Barkhurdar Ahmed Quraishi ji,

Aslaam O Alaikum!

Let them do it. Please keep on working for the progress, development and dissemination of information to the great citizens of the Islamic Republic of Pakistam. This is your duty to look after the Awam of Pakistan and their betterment.

You, the Pakistan, has to find its place in the World Arena of Politics. To do this, you need sincere and committed citizens of Pakistan.

I wish you the very best. May the Khudawand Bakhshinda shower His blessing on you all.

Warmest regards.

Your brother,

Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435
In response to my dear elder brother Sekhon Saheb, I would like to share with him this TV interview in Urdu with a Pakistani Sikh community leader who joined thousands of Pakistanis in the anti-CIA and anti-Drones sit-in in Peshawar last week that succeeded in blocking NATO supply route for three days.  In this video, this Pakistani Sikh quotes a saying of Prophet Mohammad PBUH to reaffirm commitment to defend the homeland against future attacks and violations by CIA and US military based in Afghanistan.

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