Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Krishna's Dirty India

India does it again. When a senior White House official announced delaying Pakistan aid, the Indian foreign minister coundn't hide his glee, more like a kindergarten bully than a foreign minister of a large-sized country.

He welcomed the US move and dumped a heap of propaganda lines on Pakistan.

I laugh no end when I read for US officials swearing to us that India means us no harm, that we are wrong to think the Indians will wage war on us any chance they get, etc.

US officials are desperate to give India a larger role in Afghanistan and Central Asia, and they firmly want Pakistan under Indian wings.

But the truth is, India is a country that can never even dream of entering a war with China. Its multibillion dollar armament drive is meant for Pakistan, which is an obsession for India's ruling elite.

India is a big country but with the brain of a mouse. In 1971, long before there were any pro-Pakistan freedom groups in Kashmir, and long before there was Lashkar-e-Tayyeba or even an intifada in Kashmir, India invaded Pakistan while Pakistanis were busy in post-election bickering.

The Indians prepared a proxy terror militia and waited for a perfect opportunity, which came on the eve of the messy Pakistani elections in December of that year. The Indian invasion across international borders was totally unprovoked. Indian soldiers and their terror militia launched murders and rapes.

Today, India refuses to settle even minor border disputes with Pakistan that could build trust. It never lets go of any chance to harm Pakistan. When the EU offered concessions to Pakistani textiles in early 2011, India blocked them through a complaint to WTO. India is doing everything to steal Pakistan's water from Kashmiri rivers that India occupies by force. Pakistani artists are routinely threatened with the worst type of religious extremism on Indian soil, and there have been several cases of Pakistani artists beaten at the hands of Indian extremists.

[Recently, serving Indian army officers have been arrested for planting bombs in Indian cities and blame them on Pakistan to create an excuse to launch a war on that country.]

India is a country programmed to obsess about Pakistan and keen to harm it any chance it gets.

This explains Krishna's tastelessly gleeful remarks on US refusing to pay Pakistan money owed for facilitating US war in Afghanistan.

Watch out for India exploiting every opportunity to harm Pakistan, regardless of the American sales pitch on Indian intentions.

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