More Pakistani ‘intellectuals’ came out to cheerlead President Obama’s new speech than any American, British or Afghan commentators. In fact, there were more American, British and Afghan critics of some aspects of the new policy than there were Pakistani critics.
I love this subject because it proves one of my oldest ideas that I developed some ten years ago or so: That Pakistani intellectuals, generally, have a slavish mindset and are a prime reason why we Pakistanis never developed pride and a sense of identity and being. How can you when your intellectuals, the people who shape the faith of nations, don’t have any faith?
Immediately after Obama’s speech, I was stunned to see respectable names such as Dr. Riffat Hussain, former ambassador Tariq Fatimi and retired Gen. Talat Masood and others come out on different news channels and act as America’s apologists. I mean how dumb can you be to start blowing the horns of victory just because Obama decided to give you some more money in exchange for bringing the war to your country?
Let me tell you what the real deal is: It’s a mixture of ignorance and greed. Ignorance because our State and Government are so weak they don’t have mechanisms where they can convey Pakistan’s viewpoint to these analysts so that they don’t shoot from the hip when they write for newspapers or appear on TV. And greed because many of our ‘analysts’ have no hope in a weak State and Government and dream about receiving a call from the American or the British ambassadors promising them some job or scholarship abroad for the next five years. Trust me, it’s more pathetic than most of you think.
I love this subject because it proves one of my oldest ideas that I developed some ten years ago or so: That Pakistani intellectuals, generally, have a slavish mindset and are a prime reason why we Pakistanis never developed pride and a sense of identity and being. How can you when your intellectuals, the people who shape the faith of nations, don’t have any faith?
Immediately after Obama’s speech, I was stunned to see respectable names such as Dr. Riffat Hussain, former ambassador Tariq Fatimi and retired Gen. Talat Masood and others come out on different news channels and act as America’s apologists. I mean how dumb can you be to start blowing the horns of victory just because Obama decided to give you some more money in exchange for bringing the war to your country?
Let me tell you what the real deal is: It’s a mixture of ignorance and greed. Ignorance because our State and Government are so weak they don’t have mechanisms where they can convey Pakistan’s viewpoint to these analysts so that they don’t shoot from the hip when they write for newspapers or appear on TV. And greed because many of our ‘analysts’ have no hope in a weak State and Government and dream about receiving a call from the American or the British ambassadors promising them some job or scholarship abroad for the next five years. Trust me, it’s more pathetic than most of you think.
You're right, we can find as many bastards as a scientific calculator can count. People like Hoodbhoy and many others (I don't want to remember their names but can identify their faces) are proudly highlighted on our mostly viewed TV Channel (you know the name), but people like Zaid Hamid, who tries to remind us our roots and the idea behind creating this great nation can never be seen on this TV channel.
ReplyDeleteOur media does not deserve "freedom" because this is "awaara media" who don't have any mission to achieve.
I absolutely agree with you Ahmed...again and again i witness these self haters coming up with their venom against our beloved country..and i'm afraid that the greater threat we face is from inside rather than outside...these pseudo social intellectuals are now influencing innocent Pakistani minds through this corrupt media...i feel so anguished and frustrated...what will they achieve of this slavery? its very difficult to understand....they think they'll be given high ranks?? TRUELY PATHETIC!!!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree with you Ahmed...these self haters miss no chance to prove their slavery to their masters...and i'm afraid that we face a greater threat from inside than outside...i just want to ask who are they representing??? every pseudo-intellectual column or interview i come across seems to justify and satisfy indian/american propoganda....i'm sure these slaves are expecting great bounties from their masters upon their venomous rhetorics...i say they're not only pathetic...they're DISGUSTING!!
ReplyDeletesalam .Respected ahmad Qureishi
ReplyDeletewho says dr riffat hussain,tariq fatmi,najam sethi,and gen talat masood are intellectuals????these are only tv sponsored and tv promoted so called intellectuals...which are only famous in there own hearts....if you go out and walk on streets and than ask the peoples,they shall tell you who are our intellectuals.in eyes of our tv anchors only QAMAR ZAMAN KAIRA,NABEEL GABOOL,FAUZIA WAHAB,AHSAN IQBAL,JAMAL LAGAHARI,TARIQ FATIMI,DR RIFFAT HUSSIAN,HANEEF ABBASI,NAZI NAJI,FARZANA RAJA,KAMRAN SHAFEE,ASMA JAHANGIR,PARVEEZ ELAHI,SHABAZ SHAREEF,REHMAN MALIK,SHREE REHMAN etc etc are intellectuals,if you dont believe than watch all talk shows on various channels in this evening,it shall become clear ,if you watch any new guest and true intellect in these talk shows tonight than let me know....;);)i think PAKISTAN is sick in intellectuals except only those i mentioned above ;)
If I say that I have never seen in last 60 years special trains being scheduled to run to Karachi for any event connected with Qaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah The father of the Nation. It say it all.
ReplyDeleteShahid Raza