For four days now, the flags of PPP, the ruling party, adorn the highway from the airport to the heart of the capital. No one dares remove them. The occasion for turning the capital of Pakistan into a capital of ‘PPPistan’ is the late party chairman Benazir Bhutto's birthday. But that was four days ago. The flags are still there.
Before these PPP flags, on this very same poles a few days ago were the flags of Mr. Nawaz Sharif's party. The occasion was the 11the anniversary of Pakistan's nuclear tests that officially turned our country into a declared nuclear power. Even national occasions have now been turned into narrow party occasions. We have few national occasions that bind all Pakistanis and even those are being eroded.
Political differences aside, late Mrs. Bhutto is a former Prime Minister of Pakistan. She has done a lot of good for the nation during her career and deserves full respect.
But this is not about her. This is about the gradual disappearance of everything Pakistani from our sights.
When the PPP came to power, somehow even the portrait of the Founding Father, the Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, was reduced into a dull, discolored and neglected little frame next to the fresh and newly framed picture of PPP leaders on the walls of the Presidency and the Prime Minister House.
Today, walk into any office of any federal minister and you will find party flags and pictures adorning walls and tables. PTV, the national TV network, has never celebrated the rich legacy of the Quaid-e-Azam the way it celebrated the founding fathers of a ruling political party. This happened a little over a year ago, when, for an entire week, the lobby of the PTV building in Islamabad was filled with the pictures of PPP leaders. And - believe it or not - audio recordings of the speeches of PPP politicians blasted from large speakers placed in the hallways of the building every day from morning till night for the whole week. Jokes have it that Aspirin consumption jumped in PTV during that week because of the headache from the noise but no one dared end the charade. [To be fair to PPP, the party didn't order this event. The Managing Director of PTV at the time had put together this show in order to save his job!! But he was still kicked out and now he's running another Pakistani news channel. So much for the 'visionaries' we have.]
Unfortunately, it is not just the PPP and Mr. Sharif's PMLN who think their party flags take precedence over the National Flag. There is MQM and ANP and JSQM and BNP and BRP and God knows what else. All of them are allowed to flaunt their flags in public places. So much so that it is rare to see any of these parties owning the national flag.
Pakistan's national flag, the Green and the Crescent, is slowly receding into the background. It is one sign of how the Pakistani identity has been weakened by these failed parties. I call them family-run businesses. When these parties have nothing else to sell to the people, they use ‘language and ethnicity’ and try to divide Pakistanis along language and ethnic lines, create new issues where none exist.
The average good-hearted Pakistani citizens await a group of strong leaders in Islamabad who will outlaw the public display of party flags and revive national confidence and morale. Until then, it should be the responsibility of every individual Pakistani to remind these 'leaders' why there is no place for the Flag of Pakistan in their offices, rallies, meetings, and press conferences.
Before these PPP flags, on this very same poles a few days ago were the flags of Mr. Nawaz Sharif's party. The occasion was the 11the anniversary of Pakistan's nuclear tests that officially turned our country into a declared nuclear power. Even national occasions have now been turned into narrow party occasions. We have few national occasions that bind all Pakistanis and even those are being eroded.
Political differences aside, late Mrs. Bhutto is a former Prime Minister of Pakistan. She has done a lot of good for the nation during her career and deserves full respect.
But this is not about her. This is about the gradual disappearance of everything Pakistani from our sights.
When the PPP came to power, somehow even the portrait of the Founding Father, the Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, was reduced into a dull, discolored and neglected little frame next to the fresh and newly framed picture of PPP leaders on the walls of the Presidency and the Prime Minister House.
Today, walk into any office of any federal minister and you will find party flags and pictures adorning walls and tables. PTV, the national TV network, has never celebrated the rich legacy of the Quaid-e-Azam the way it celebrated the founding fathers of a ruling political party. This happened a little over a year ago, when, for an entire week, the lobby of the PTV building in Islamabad was filled with the pictures of PPP leaders. And - believe it or not - audio recordings of the speeches of PPP politicians blasted from large speakers placed in the hallways of the building every day from morning till night for the whole week. Jokes have it that Aspirin consumption jumped in PTV during that week because of the headache from the noise but no one dared end the charade. [To be fair to PPP, the party didn't order this event. The Managing Director of PTV at the time had put together this show in order to save his job!! But he was still kicked out and now he's running another Pakistani news channel. So much for the 'visionaries' we have.]
Unfortunately, it is not just the PPP and Mr. Sharif's PMLN who think their party flags take precedence over the National Flag. There is MQM and ANP and JSQM and BNP and BRP and God knows what else. All of them are allowed to flaunt their flags in public places. So much so that it is rare to see any of these parties owning the national flag.
Pakistan's national flag, the Green and the Crescent, is slowly receding into the background. It is one sign of how the Pakistani identity has been weakened by these failed parties. I call them family-run businesses. When these parties have nothing else to sell to the people, they use ‘language and ethnicity’ and try to divide Pakistanis along language and ethnic lines, create new issues where none exist.
The average good-hearted Pakistani citizens await a group of strong leaders in Islamabad who will outlaw the public display of party flags and revive national confidence and morale. Until then, it should be the responsibility of every individual Pakistani to remind these 'leaders' why there is no place for the Flag of Pakistan in their offices, rallies, meetings, and press conferences.
The importance of nationalism has increased since it's attacked from many fronts including within... our half-loyal and half-dumb politicians.
ReplyDeleteHalf loyal, because the rest of the half is sold out. And half-dumb, because I want to give them a benefit of doubt of having some brain.
They certainly were being respected and would have been heroes of the nation if they really would have done any good for this nation. But still hopeful, there in the ashes, the fire is litting.
In Mogadishu, a left hand and a right foot of 4 young men have been chopped off, for stealing. In Iran, Neda was shot in the chest for participating in a protest! Hmmm; Lahore was wrecked by devoted Muslims when our beloved prophet (SAW) was ridiculed by Danish Ass----. Whole nation celebrated Afridi, but slept on the drone attacks.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that there is still life in us as a nation, but we don’t know what and when to celebrate and when and what to condemn. We are like a herd of bulls, ravaging in one direction for sometime and then in the other, crushing and destroying everything coming in our way. There is a crisis of leadership and not that of identity. We know that we are Sunnis when its Rabbiulawwal and shias when it is muharram and Pakistanis when we are the champions and when there is an earthquake, but we are individuals when we are in the bus, or on the streets or in our businesses or when we deal with the policeman on the street. Totally forget that there is hell or heaven after few minutes or months or years, and also forgets that we just celebrated Pakistanis victory as a Pakistani. So how to rectify this problem. May be we need a catastrophe of a huge scale, to unite once again, as in the case of 1965 or may be we need a leader like hmm… like Khomeini … no for that, nation has to unite at least on one type of Islam… MA Jinnah… not at this time, he cannot sell the idea of Muslims and Hindus bifurcation now… may be like Saddam Hussein. Yes. Otherwise, get ready, if you are weak internally, someone powerful will definitely overcome you, no, no, no… doesn’t need a war for that, you guys are already broke. 40% of your taxes are eaten up my the military, your enemies are not fool to engage you in a war, rest of your 60% which goes into the economy is being targeted. Your exports are reducing, due to ill faith and negative publicity in the world and imports increasing. Your self confidence is shattered, and your leaders are openly begging. So, my dear friend, for few of those who are really sincere and feel the pain, keep on spreading the truth, but do also practice it, as that truth you spread which is not practiced will be vanished in the air like dust. Yes, do you give bribes to policeman, when caught, even if he asks you for that? Do you stand in the queue , do you spit on the roadside and throw away your garbage out of your car window. Do you really pray 5 times a day…. Oh what have I said, idiot we are talking about Pakistan, where is salat comes in here. Habibi, 90% of you guys call yourself Muslims and then looks for peace of mind in SONY and ZEE..wake up!! Either call your self a Muslim and prays salat or be a hypocrite and have a strangulated mind, for sure, Allah knows how a human body can achieve happiness and how mind and soul can be content, even at these times of dismay. Don’t cut the hands of a thief at this time of the hour, even though its 100% Islamic, why… don’t ask me, ask Khulfae’ Rashdeen, when they did not implement this punishment as it was the time of poverty and their government couldn’t guarantee food for everyone. You don’t have a welfare state, rich is getting richer and poor getting poorer, no justice, and still you want to catch the thieves and cut their hands and feet to become beggars for the rest of their lives!!!! My dear sincere Muslim Pakistanis, please stick to your basics, you have to bring balance in rituals of deen ( salat No 1 priority) and that of society ( which is also part of deen), at this time, when things are as complicated as spaghetti, have faith in the hereafter, and do your best efforts in learning and doing what is right and leaving the wrongs. Allah knows your efforts and thoughts, He doesn’t want everyone to be perfect Aalim or angel, do what is best according to your capacity and as what they say in the west Keep It Simple; Stupid.
Some people were eager for "MASONIC DOMOCRACY" and they wanted to get rid of the so called "MILITARY DICTATOR". So, we are seeing the "AMERICAN INSTALLED" domocracy in its full charm. Welcom to "Democratic Pakistan".
ReplyDelete@ AQ or the author of the article:
ReplyDelete""Unfortunately, it is not just the PPP and Mr. Sharif's PMLN who think their party flags take precedence over the National Flag. There is MQM and ANP and JSQM and BNP and BRP and God knows what else. All of them are allowed to flaunt their flags in public places. So much so that it is rare to see any of these parties owning the national flag.""
I agree with you but again there is one thing you forgot to mention, MQM was the only political party raising Pakistani Flag all over the city in support of the Pakistan Army fighting in northern areas of the country.
There is is still some patriotism left even if it is to get political millage out of, which you may divert your thoughts since we do doubt everyone by default, all this does not mean I am in favor of any political party or approve what they do.. Just give the credit where it is due.
[Quote]MQM was the only political party raising Pakistani Flag all over the city in support of the Pakistan Army fighting in northern areas of the country.
Although, the above mentioned line is enough to comment on the statement given by "HUMMIE" but here I need to further clarify the situation.
Firstly, Whenever you see MQM chanting slogans like "Qatil Taliban etc etc." it means MQM does not OPPOSE Taliban, actually, it opposes all the people who have some religious background. It include all Taliban/Non-Taliban people and stunnigly, it includes Sunni Tehreek as well, which is a fierce enemy of Taliban.
Secondly, whenever MQM chants slogans against Taliban, it's occult leader (I say him occult because MQM is based on PEERI/MUREEDI occult, where Altaf Hussien is Occult Peer and rest are "BAY-BAS" Mureeds) loves to rant the whole religious base, which is not acceptable to most of the Pakistanis.
Thirdly, indirectly and some times directly MQM loves to hit Jamat-e-Islami, which is the only political party in Karachi with strong roots in middle class educated people and in future MQM scares of its existance. It is some other debate that Jamat-e-Islami itself has so many Negatives under its belt.
Fourthly, Mullah Fazlullah of SWAT and Baitullah of South Waziristan are not Taliban. They have been assigned the duty to malign Islam, Jihad and Afghan Taliban by their master handlers sitting in Washington, Tel-Aviv and New-Delhi. So, maligning Taliban on the acts of some "Israeli/Indian assets" is not justified at all. The Afghan Taliban, the real one were those who restored peace in Afghanistan back in 1995-6, but these (Israeli-Indian) Manufactured Taliban have destroyed the peace of Pakistan. This is the difference b/w Afghan Taliban and the so called TTP's swines.
ReplyDelete@ Hummie: look what your master Altaf Hussien said about Pakistan and its creation. He said, "This (the creation of Pakistan) was the greater, the greatest blunder in the history of mankind". Do you need any further evidence of MQM's anti-Pakistan activities? Did you forget the "Jinnahpur" cospiracy? Did you forget about those boys of MQM who have reportedly visited India in similar fashion as Brahamdagh and Baitullah did?
Some people also associate General Perveze Musharraf with Altaf hussain which is wrong. General Musharraf may have used these people as a political move which was justified in the games of politics but as an Army General his views on Altaf Hussain are not wrong.
ReplyDeleteHere you want watch them.
There were two versions of General Musharraf.
1)Politician Musharraf
2)General Musharraf.
I like his second version and first version to little extent, although I used to be his arch opponent in past.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteZia ul haq disgusts me, every time i see his picture i want to vomit
ReplyDeleteThere were two versions of General ZIA.
1)Politician Zia- election in 90 days, happy smilling, Economy built on 6.6$ aid
2)General Zia- Bastard killing elected leader, removing freedoms,banning trade & student unions , anti intellectual and creating a generation of suicide bombers
Its all very well AQ and Zaid Hamid pointing this out, but what are you actually going to do about it ? if PMLN workers can take down photos of BB , then we can take down theese flags .
ReplyDeleteYou just point all thats wrong with pakistan , but dont take any practical steps to correct this.
Its all very well AQ and Zaid Hamid pointing this out, but what are you actually going to do about it ? if PMLN workers can take down photos of BB , then we can take down theese flags .
ReplyDeleteYou just point all thats wrong with pakistan , but dont take any practical steps to correct this. e.g court
@Syed: Your previous post gives me an impression as if you are a proponent of "ZARDARI-NAWAZ-ALTAF-MULLAH FAZAL" led democracy. Its your choice, I have no right to intervene in it but kindly refrain from maligning General Zia Ul Haq, I respect him a lot.
ReplyDeleteYou can disagree with his political steps. I also oppose some of his political decisions but as a Military General, I have my all loyalties with him.
dear brother ahmad , the problem with pakistan is there is too much politics and too very little action into the right direction ...so we must stop talking and start to do something that would make the change come through....you know ....first of all we can start grouping up you know for a start ...so what do yo u say ?? i will await you responce brother ahmad
ReplyDeletePOLITICIANS + DEMOCRACY is the root cause of all problems. We have to eliminate these two factors if we want to see us as a prosper nation.
ReplyDeleteIf democracy is that pivotal then why China is having so much development with being DEMOCRATIC. We have to get rid of this nasty political class.
i agree with your plan