Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why Conquer India, Again?

Some young Pakistanis marking the International Kashmir Solidarity Day today got carried away. I noticed some of them circulated emails and wrote posts saying they don't want to stop at Kashmir but want to seize the rest of what is known today as India, was known during Muslim rule as Hindustan, and as Bharat when the Indians ruled themselves.

I didn't want to spoil the joy of anyone, especially this year when all signs indicate that Pakistan and Pakistanis are marking the Kashmir Solidarity Day with a vigor not seen in at least a decade. [You must read the analysis in that link. It's a must read for those following relations between Pakistan and India.]

So when a very good friend posted a remark about conquering India on my Facebook page, this is how I answered, hoping to make some of the young Turks understand that what Pakistani medieval warriors like Shahab al-Din Ghauri and Qutb al-Din Aybak did was great, but that seizing India nowadays may not be such a great idea. Here is how I said it:

"Of all the lands conquered by Muslims, the Indian conquest was the most useless. Everywhere else, the new land and people added to the richness of the Muslim empire and civilization. Except Bharat. That was a black hole where Muslims went in ... and never came out. Muslim rule in Bharat was detached from the rest of the Islamic world. No interaction, no contacts, no nothing. Muslim Bharat was another world, never reacting to critical points in history in Palestine, Arabia, Turkey and Andalusia. The only thing we benefited from havng our ancesotrs conquer Bharat is to learn the ritualistic Mehndi wedding functions, invent Qawwali, the art of practicing religion by singing, and create two religious schools called Barelvi and Deobandi that no one else in the entire Islamic world knows about, understands or has any interest in.

Defeat Bharat. Fine. Delhi is a city created and established by Muslims before the Brits occupied it and handed it over to native Indians, so take that too. Fine. But the rest of India? I think I will pass."

Interesting, isn't it? Light, but full of real history.


  1. What a stupid, ignorant post.

    You just insulted nearly half of the world's Muslim population living in South Asia: Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.

    Both the Barelvi and Deoband sects, whatever you think of them, are very influential, and to discount their influence on Islam is incredible indeed.

    And for your information, the Mughals are long gone. The place is the same, but times have changed significantly.

    Please a little more substantive then offering piddling Facebook posts.

  2. I agree that conquering India, Pakistanis will inherit a huge mismanaged impoverished population mess but there are some benefits:

    . There will be no threats to Pakistan.
    . We will, then, be geographically contiguous
    to China, Bangladesh and Burma.
    . We will have access to Indian Ocean.

  3. Asher:

    -Pakistan already borders China
    -Pakistan has access to Indian Ocean
    -Bangladesh does not like Pakistan, historical baggage and all.

  4. i don't think that conquering india was useless.Muslims of the whole world added something of their own in this country's culture.Qawwali has played a pivotal role in preaching Islam to non-muslims and its a refined form of many people would still be muslims if it wasn't for the so called conquerors?Barelvi and Deobandi are two different schools as there are so many around the world.
    but i think that we should concentrate on our own people and work for their betterment,focus more on Kashmir issue rather than waste our time on fantasizing about conquering india.

  5. A system which to serve the people and not the corrupt lot of politicians should be brought. These so called leaders do not have any idea of the sufferings of the common man. Masses need a change without any delay.

  6. he..he..he..Mr Querashi, very smart sensational journalism - huh ? But think about the impact these articles will have on your innocent followers. Why spread useless hatred among the easily gullible audience (specially the youth)? If you can, teach them how to live in peace and NOT die in war..please.


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