Thursday, September 22, 2011

Advice Of A Sikh Leader To Pakistanis On Their Independence Day

Piare Barkhurdar Ahmed Quraishi ji,

Aslaam O Alaikum!

The 14th August, 1947, is Independence Day of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The vision of Sovereignty and Independence of Janab MA Jinnah, Dr (Sir) Iqbal, staunch supporters, believers, and followers and their sincereity of the Awam brought the vision of Pakistan into reality.

The 14th August, 1947 is the day for all Pakistanis to re-determine that:

(i) the Sovereignty of Pakistan will be the prime importance for every citizen of Pakistan, despite all eventuality,
(ii) do not keep any weak leadership of a person like 10-25% and his 'joe boys and joe girls', (iii)
have 100% faith in those who are responsible to protect the political 'integrity' of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and
(iv) always trust the 'brain power' of Pakistan, which is 1000% better than the 'Brahmins-Hindus'.

Best wishes and extended to every citizen of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. May the Khudawand Bakhshinda shower His blessings on you all.

Pakistan Paindabad!

As always,

Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)

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