Abida Hussain, one of the main feudal landlord-politicians in the Punjab province, appeared on the state-run PTV last night and unloaded all her suppressed anger at former President Pervez Musharraf.
She used the common cover story of democracy and dictatorship, she being a democratic warrior feudal princess, of course, [who owns hundreds of poor men, women and children who work for free on her farmlands and who are forbidden to have basic human rights. But that doesn’t matter since most of Pakistan's 'democratic warriors' belong to this same category.]
So anyway, she talked about democracy and dictatorship but never mentioned the real reason for her anger against the former military ruler:
By making graduation a precondition for running for public office, the military 'dictator' ruined Abida Hussian's career and forced her to sit for university examinations when she crossed the age of 50.
I heard she passed her graduation exams but I'm not sure what her score was. The important thing is that this feudal democratic warrior queen is seething with anger at the fact that she and her husband had to stay out of active politics for nearly a decade in which they had to hurriedly prepare their young daughter to run for office in order to save whatever clout her family wielded in her feudal domain in the backwaters of Punjab.
So you can understand Mrs. Hussain's anger when she told a reporter for Wall Street Journal in Jan. 2008 that Musharraf was a "poor thing ... a son of clerks. His mother was a typist."
Unfortunately, the Pakistani media and civil society reelected these feudal-minded inept politicians back to power. People like Abida Hussain don't make even 1% of Pakistan's population but you see how she and those of her ilk sneer at successful middle class Pakistanis. She calls them 'clerks'. Poor clerks.
During the TV show, at one point she got so angry with Musharraf that she took it out on the special operations unit of the Pakistani military just because Musharraf came from that unit. She called them 'foolish'. Well at least they get some real professional training, Mrs. Hussain. What good are you if not for your papa's wealth?
Her co-panelist on the show was a lady parliament member from Mr. Nawaz Sharif's party, someone by the name of Mrs. Ishrat Ashraf.
Members of former prime minister Sharif's party face a dilemma on TV talk shows these days. There is a competition within the party on who can heap more scorn on Musharraf. That makes the former prime minister very happy since he is obsessed with the man who threw him out of power a decade ago.
So was the case with Mrs. Ashraf. Not to be outdone by Mrs. Abida Hussain from the ruling PPP party, Ashraf said something even more hilarious.
I will let Mr. Amanullah Rabbani, one of the members of our PakNationalists Group, describe it:
"Then Ishrat Ashraf said that it is a shame that a man like Musharraf was the chief of the brave army of Pakistan. My answer to her: Can anyone please inform her who made Musharraf chief of Army Staff?!!"
She used the common cover story of democracy and dictatorship, she being a democratic warrior feudal princess, of course, [who owns hundreds of poor men, women and children who work for free on her farmlands and who are forbidden to have basic human rights. But that doesn’t matter since most of Pakistan's 'democratic warriors' belong to this same category.]
So anyway, she talked about democracy and dictatorship but never mentioned the real reason for her anger against the former military ruler:
By making graduation a precondition for running for public office, the military 'dictator' ruined Abida Hussian's career and forced her to sit for university examinations when she crossed the age of 50.
I heard she passed her graduation exams but I'm not sure what her score was. The important thing is that this feudal democratic warrior queen is seething with anger at the fact that she and her husband had to stay out of active politics for nearly a decade in which they had to hurriedly prepare their young daughter to run for office in order to save whatever clout her family wielded in her feudal domain in the backwaters of Punjab.
So you can understand Mrs. Hussain's anger when she told a reporter for Wall Street Journal in Jan. 2008 that Musharraf was a "poor thing ... a son of clerks. His mother was a typist."
Unfortunately, the Pakistani media and civil society reelected these feudal-minded inept politicians back to power. People like Abida Hussain don't make even 1% of Pakistan's population but you see how she and those of her ilk sneer at successful middle class Pakistanis. She calls them 'clerks'. Poor clerks.
During the TV show, at one point she got so angry with Musharraf that she took it out on the special operations unit of the Pakistani military just because Musharraf came from that unit. She called them 'foolish'. Well at least they get some real professional training, Mrs. Hussain. What good are you if not for your papa's wealth?
Her co-panelist on the show was a lady parliament member from Mr. Nawaz Sharif's party, someone by the name of Mrs. Ishrat Ashraf.
Members of former prime minister Sharif's party face a dilemma on TV talk shows these days. There is a competition within the party on who can heap more scorn on Musharraf. That makes the former prime minister very happy since he is obsessed with the man who threw him out of power a decade ago.
So was the case with Mrs. Ashraf. Not to be outdone by Mrs. Abida Hussain from the ruling PPP party, Ashraf said something even more hilarious.
I will let Mr. Amanullah Rabbani, one of the members of our PakNationalists Group, describe it:
"Then Ishrat Ashraf said that it is a shame that a man like Musharraf was the chief of the brave army of Pakistan. My answer to her: Can anyone please inform her who made Musharraf chief of Army Staff?!!"
Yes. Interestingly it was Mrs. Ashraf's boss, former premier Nawaz Sharif, who ignored more generals that were senior and promoted Gen. Musharraf in the belief that he would be a docile army chief.
Almost the entire Pakistani nation 10 years ago warmly welcomed the fact that Gen. Musharraf refused to be docile and saved the nation from these feudal landlord-politicians who want to run this nuclear armed nation like they run their farmlands and factories.
It's another story that Mr. Musharraf in one of his worst failures returned the country back into the hands of people like Mrs. Abida Hussain, the clerks-hater.
I have mentioned a no of times that Pakistan is being ruled by MEER JAFAR/MEER SADIQ community of politicians. They are ready for sale at all times thus damaging Pakistan's solemnity and destroying it in all fields of life. This is also a fact that Pakistan's solemnity is being auctioned globally by Anti Pakistan & Anti Islamic Community being led by India USA & their allies. Pakistan's Meer Jafar/Meer Sadiq group of filthy politicians are always ready for sale and to destroy Pakistan as much as they can whenever these LOTA's are auctioned. They must all be shooted down just like at Iran a few years back Imam Khumeini shot down all the lotas.
ReplyDeleteI have mentioned a no of times that Pakistan is being ruled by MEER JAFAR/MEER SADIQ community of politicians. They are ready for sale at all times thus damaging Pakistan's solemnity and destroying it in all fields of life. This is also a fact that Pakistan's solemnity is being auctioned globally by Anti Pakistan & Anti Islamic Community being led by India USA & their allies. Pakistan's Meer Jafar/Meer Sadiq group of filthy politicians are always ready for sale and to destroy Pakistan as much as they can whenever these LOTA's are auctioned. They must all be shooted down just like at Iran a few years back Imam Khumeini shot down all the lotas.
ReplyDeleteI love this comment that I received from Mr. Zaid Hamid:
ReplyDelete"These poor and sick gangster politicians think this is their born right to rule and lead this nation. One is sitting in London, that hippopotamus. The other is a 20 years old playboy who is being groomed by his equaly lecherous playboy father who is already in power. Others are busy in importing siberian tigers and spending their summers in london!! Time to decorate them all on Islamabad lamp posts."
Another email from a reader in the village of Syeda Abida Hussain:
ReplyDelete"I am basically from the Jhang district ... the district from where this lady comes from, Abida Hussain Syeda...
"I am happy to know that people outside our district also know well the real reputation of this family ... In fact we all were shocked to know that she was not even a graduate in the fist place ... and she has been the ambassador of Pakistan to the USA ... what a sad and tragic choice ...
"Yes. Thank you for the article ... keep up the good work ...may Allah bless you ."
from KADAR KHAN via email:
ReplyDeleteDear All:
These feudal political incompetents are spinning Pakistan so hard that average Pakistanis are splattered and plastered all across the walls of misery. Remaining ones can not even get off!
Remarks certainly show the ignorance in its highest form. The reason political, economical and social system is in chaos not because of the clerks or typists! It is because of the feudal political greed!
Musharraf or not! The denigrating attitude towards the working class reveals the real feudal mindset! Europeans quit the feudal centuries ago but unfortunately we have the cyclical incarnation of them generation after generation always with same caustic qualities seeking demise and destruction of the country different ways.
Imagine legislators of the country are illiterates barely meet the reading and writing requirements and guess who would be leading them?
Make sense why foreign politicians are running the rings around them!
Best Regards
What can you expect from such international "lotas"?
ReplyDeleteMy sincere appreciation and Good wishes with all time YOUNG HERO OF PAKISTAN MR.Ahmed Quraishi.Who has been putting his top effort with other like minded and patriot Pakistani's to raise voice against these LOOTERS AND THIEVES,those who have been sucking the blood of this nation,these illiterate feudal have imposed their personal law on 180m people, and still the people are in deep slumber! my request! writing work has been made greatly, TV hosts are doing great and still there is no hope of wakening these deep slept people.
ReplyDeleteDo we have other options to make these slept people awake?
how to make them understand of this unfortunate conditions and circumstances? where there is no rule and order..every gangsters followers have their own law! and no one is there to question them.
Musharraf first 7 years were bery good and respectful having started the city district gvt and many good things ....
ReplyDeleteThe problem arouses when he submit his will to america and conducted Three of the most disturbing actions:
Bajaur Operation: results in Baitullah mahsud & other opposition in waziristan and khayber agency.
Lal Masjid: results in a wide army of people gone and being played in the hands of Mahsud and Mulla fazal ul haq etc
DRONE ATTACKS ACCEPTANCE: the famous dont say dont tell policy, has left us in the middle of no where.
IF REQUIRED MUSHARRAF SHOULD BE HANGED FROM NECK TILL DEATH... may this results in some peace in baluchistan and waziristan ameeeen