Friday, September 11, 2009

Indian Army To Deploy Prostitutes As A Women Battalion In Held Kashmir

A group of experts assigned to probe rising suicides among Indian soldiers in Kashmir have recommended sending the soldiers back to India at least once a month to be with their wives. Since this is not possible, India's military leadership has taken a leaf from the book of the old Soviet army: A woman battalion at the war front. A committee headed by a Lieutenant General of the Indian army is putting the last touches on the new battalion.
Click here to read the full report.

1 comment:

  1. they are just NCC cadets,from college,and they are students,they are not qualified to be posted in Kashmir,under the border security force or as prostitutes even if the army so wishes,this kinda thinking is got to do more with they way and surrounding you were brought up badly need to think of ways and means to up your IQ,however difficult that maybe.


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