There are reports that medical and rehabilitation teams from Jamaat Al-Daawa, the Kashmiri organization that used to be active in support of their kin in Indian-occupied Kashmir, have surfaced to help the hundreds of thousands of Pakistani refugees fleeing the terror of insurgents pouring in from Afghanistan, backed by anti-Pakistan forces there.
The pro-U.S. Zardari government conspired with the Americans after the Mumbai attacks to have Jamaat al-Daawa banned by the UN without any evidence that could stand in a court of law. The Zardari government was also ready to include the names of respected Pakistani personalities in the UN list had it not been for some members within the government who feared widespread popular backlash. [See To Zardari-Gilani-Qureshi-Durrani: Why Humiliate Pakistan? ]
Daawa's military wing was disbanded in 2004 under the orders of the military government of Pervez Musharraf. To sustain its cadre and the families of the martyrs who died fighting Indian occupation soldiers in Kashmir, Daawa transformed its entire operations into social work. And they excelled at it, first in the massive Kashmir earthquake in 2005, then in 2008, and now in the refugee camps of Pakistanis in Mardan and Swabi in NWFP.

Daawa's largesse has included Pakistani Hindus whose villages in Pakistan's Sindh province faced drought. When the UN banned Daawa, Pakistani Hindus came out to protest the decision because it resulted in the closure of schools that were being run by Daawa for the community [see picture at top, also check Pakistani Hindus Rally To Support Jamaat al-Daawa ].
If not for the capitulation of the Zardari government, Daawa could not have been banned by the UN based on the half-cooked evidence that the Indians came up with.
Someone might ask: Why do I want Pakistan to have groups like Jamaat Daawa?
For one, most of them are either Pakistanis, or Kashmiris, or both. And that makes them our own.
Second, they did very well in Kashmir in support of the people suffering the largest concentration of brutal occupation forces anywhere, where Indian soldiers are virtual rapists on the loose to punish the Kashmiris for wanting to be free of Indian occupation.
Third, we need people like Jamaat Daawa to end their social work and revert back into their original role of resistance groups and go back into Indian occupied Kashmir, with Pakistan's support, to make life miserable once again for Indian soldiers. This would be the right thing to do now since India is blocking Pakistan's water from Kashmir and is sending terrorists and saboteurs from Afghan soil to spread mayhem inside Pakistan, disguised as 'Pakistani Taliban' and God knows what else.
In this regard, Mr. Zardari's government will do well to heed the advice of Mr. Majeed Nizami, the president of the Nawai Waqt Media Group. He advised the government to start sending Kashmiri and Pakistani resistance fighters back into Indian occupied Kashmir. His reasoning is valid. The Indians have grown arrogant because of our apologetic attitude since we've given them a pass on so many issues under the prodding of our fake allies, the Americans.
Time to rollback Pakistani concessions.
If not for the capitulation of the Zardari government, Daawa could not have been banned by the UN based on the half-cooked evidence that the Indians came up with.
Someone might ask: Why do I want Pakistan to have groups like Jamaat Daawa?
For one, most of them are either Pakistanis, or Kashmiris, or both. And that makes them our own.
Second, they did very well in Kashmir in support of the people suffering the largest concentration of brutal occupation forces anywhere, where Indian soldiers are virtual rapists on the loose to punish the Kashmiris for wanting to be free of Indian occupation.
Third, we need people like Jamaat Daawa to end their social work and revert back into their original role of resistance groups and go back into Indian occupied Kashmir, with Pakistan's support, to make life miserable once again for Indian soldiers. This would be the right thing to do now since India is blocking Pakistan's water from Kashmir and is sending terrorists and saboteurs from Afghan soil to spread mayhem inside Pakistan, disguised as 'Pakistani Taliban' and God knows what else.
In this regard, Mr. Zardari's government will do well to heed the advice of Mr. Majeed Nizami, the president of the Nawai Waqt Media Group. He advised the government to start sending Kashmiri and Pakistani resistance fighters back into Indian occupied Kashmir. His reasoning is valid. The Indians have grown arrogant because of our apologetic attitude since we've given them a pass on so many issues under the prodding of our fake allies, the Americans.
Time to rollback Pakistani concessions.
No doubt that Jamat-ud-Daawa, Al-Rasheed and Al-Akhtar trusts have their roots in public. Previous government of Mr.Pervaiz Musharraf also appreciated all these three organizations for their reformation work in Azad Kahmir and Balakot at the time of 2005 earthquake.
ReplyDeleteThese organizations have never been involved in any terrorist activity in any part of the world they are just helping humanity irrespective of religious faith, as you can see yourself that Hindu minority of Pakistan had protested against the UN resoloution to bann this organization.
The third role as identified by you is the most important role which most of the Pakistanis have to play under under whatever organization. Kashmir's liberation should be our top most priority otherwise India will not use their nukes on us just they need to stop our water and rest will be done itself. I must say that when you have an enemy like CHANAKYIAN India in your neighbour then you can only servive while engaging India involve in its internal matters.
Following should be our top most priority.
1)Liberation of Kashmir.
2)Dis-integration of India in various smaller states, for example, Eastern Punjad as Sikh state named as "Khalistan". "Assam" as smaller Muslim state which has already been given a name of "Muslimabad". Three separate states for Naxals, Tamils and Taripuris. One Christian state named as "Nagaland". One separate state for Dalits named as "Dalistan". This means, if we start working from now then we can break India in 7 independent states in less then 3 years. I think it is not the big deal for our Mujahedeens to complete this task in given time period of three years.3)Third step is still a secret which can only be shared after completion of above two steps.
Muhammad Amir.
By the way, we are already having a fresh experience of breaking one country in seven independent states. Guess who? yes, it was soviet union. So, why not use our cold war experience in India. Some people might say that we at that time had a lion Gen Zia-Ul-Haq Shaheed (Rehmatullah Allih). I think we are still having some more feared lions just we need to do one thing and that is, give them resposibility with proper authority and they will give you results in less than 3 years - Insha-Allah.
Muhammad Amir.