Should we start a civil war because some liberal extremists in our elite are upset about the alleged flogging video? Some occasions are not meant for settling scores. But a minority in our elite that has an ideological problem with religion is at it again. They are not even willing to stop and consider a range of possibilities, including the possibility of foul play. Now we have a statement from the girl named in the video confirming this is not her. She still lives in the village supposedly cited in the video and no one there has seen this flogging take place. There’s no question there have been atrocities committed in Swat before the peace deal in Feb. 2009. There’s also no question that everyone in Pakistan has condemned the video. But shouldn’t intelligent people also ask questions about where, when, and how it was filmed and by whom. Rationality demands that all possibilities be probed. We still don’t know how this video was simultaneously released to several local TV channels? And why the Presidency was quick to leak to the media that Mr. Zardari may not endorse the peace deal after this mysterious incident. Why was Mr. President so quick to make this indirect statement without even considering when this alleged flogging occurred: before or after the peace deal? Or was the objective to simply find an excuse to scrap the deal, which is what the Americans badly want and Mr. Zardari is more than happy to oblige without considering what it would mean: endless bloodshed and pitching our security forces against its own people, which is apparently what Washington likes to see? These ‘liberal extremists’ are also unwilling to consider the wider picture. We have reports of foreign elements inserted into our entire western and northern regions of Pakistan. We have reports that some of them could be covert operatives fluent in Pashto or Uzbek and hiding as Islamists and sent with the objective of inciting the local population to fight against their own country [Bagram air base near Kabul has secret American crack units that eat, live and operate separately from the rest of the U.S. army] and commit excesses against minorities, which justifies more U.S. intervention inside Pakistan. These terrorists were using Islam to kill innocent people. The government has called their bluff and implemented Sharia. Now anyone who decides to continue fighting can’t say he’s doing this for the sake of Islam. If this ensures end of bloodshed, what’s wrong with that? And why should our minority ‘liberal extremists’ echo everything America says? This group raising all this noise over the mysterious video is the same one that helped Mukhtaran Mai become a multimillionaire. Now we have the truth emerging that her famous rape case may not have been what it was portrayed to be. Initially she was shown to be a 19-year-old raped by the elders of her village. It turned out later she was 10 years older, divorced and had some other personal issues relating to marriage and men. That’s her business and it by no means demeans her and none of this is meant to justify any wrongdoing done to her. But the way she agreed later to become a pawn in the hands of western embassies and NGOs who used her to smear Pakistan and make money out of it was despicable, but that’s acceptable to our liberal extremist minority who also happen to be experts in ‘self-hatred’ and are ever ready to bad mouth their own homeland at the slightest chance. Former President Musharraf aptly described Mukhtaran as a woman profiting out of rape. And he was right. There were people among our liberal extremists who encouraged her to follow the line given to her by anti-Pakistan western organizations keen to use this case to malign the country out of proportion. Our liberal extremists helped her make millions and never apologized when it turned out not all parts of her story matched. Now they are doing the same with this video. No one is bothered that there are so many conflicting stories about it [Was the flogged woman married and arrested for walking publicly with her father in law as Geo News said or was she unmarried and was set up by her former lover-turned-Taliban because she won’t marry him as Dawn News or one of the other channels alleged?]. This business of ‘Asma-Jehangirism’ [making money and fame out of nonissues that appeal to the West] should end at some stage. It’s shallow and sickening.
Well Ahmed! I think no one from those liberals will listen to you for the sake of this country. This is due to fact over the time we as a society have become corrupt and hypocrite to such an extend. Just look how MQM and every one is yelling about Swat girl flogging but no one is uttering a word about those Pakistani die in CIA attacks. May Allah Protect Our Motherland. Keep on rolling your "Causal" posts I really liked this idea of yours.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Why your presence on TV has vanished suddenly.Are you not one of hosts in Crisis-Cell on Geo TV?
Anyhow, keep good work going May Allah Bless us. (Amin)
@Asia Defence Review: The story of my diminished TV presence is too long for this post. Crisis Cell was conceived and hosted by the talented host of that show. I just made an appearance during the post-Mumbai crisis. But coming back shortly Insha Allah on GEO. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteAQ, I simply don't understand whats wrong with these so called human right pplz. Why don't they raise their voices against other major issues like price hike, drones and other. Why only they wake up on some fake issues like mukhtaraan mai and that swat girl? Why they like to raise voice only on rape? why not other social matters? I have heard a word of mouth about Ms. Asma Jahangir that she is running a elite class brothel behind her human right activist mask? I don't know the authenticity of this but there are doubts in my mind about her.
ReplyDeleteAnd I want to request you , please come on NEWSONE channel as that's the only channel which is showing the both side of the picture.
May Allah blessh you. (Ameen)
I think you are right there is an extremism on both sides in our society. Our society is highly polarized and bifurcated on various lines of religion and ethnicity.
ReplyDeleteThe problem of Swat should be dealt in a separate paradigm keeping in view its historical separate legal position vis-a-vis the rest of the country. The claims of a 'parallel judiciary' being established as a direct result of the Nizam-e-Adl (which is still yet to be signed by Zardari) are unfounded. The parallel system has been present in Swat since 1975 when PATA civil and PATA criminal regulations were promulgated. These regulations combined judicial and executive powers in Deputy Commissioners and Commissioners, which was a direct negation of 'Judiciary shall be separated from the executive' clause. The residents had been fighting against the regulations in the courts and were finally able to get the verdict in their favour in a Supreme Court ruling in 1995 which declared the regulations null and void. But the damage had been done, the people were nostalgic about the swift justice in the Wali led Swat - although it was based more on tribal customs than the Islamic principles - and they found a new voice in the form of Sufi Muhammad. The present colour of brutal militancy of Fazlu-ullah is just another colour of the ailment. The Nifaz-e-Adl should be given a chance but certainly not at the stake of the writ of the government. With Qazi courts established and the relative peaceful situation there, the government should establish its writ by building the institutions and increasing the public spending on various welfare projects which is also the demand of the locals.
"This business of ‘Asma-Jehangirism’ [making money and fame out of nonissues that appeal to the West] should end at some stage. It’s shallow and sickening."
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with this portion.The woman is fake and a parasite.
mr. qureshi
ReplyDeleteyou sicken me. for whatever reasons you choose to say this, i can't find a justification for claiming anyone is "profiting out of rape."
because rape is not like a fever, or a disease. it's implications last a lifetime. but perhaps mukhtaran mai did abuse the system.
what about the fact that pakistan has one of the highest recorded incidences of rapes on the entire planet? how can a muslim country reconcile with that fact? and that doesn't even include the hundreds of thousands of rapes that do not get reported.
you don't have to be a 'liberal extremist' or even a sympathizer. but if we are concerned about pakistan's name being 'smeared' then we should fix this country. and to do so we need to be honest about it. if a woman gets raped, it doesn't smear our country. women get raped all over the world. what smears our country is if we decide to blame the woman, if we allow her to get harassed, and if we question her motives.
even if a divorced, quarelling, bitchy woman gets raped, it is not right. if we as a nation can stand up and say no to that, it would be the best possible symbol of our patriotism.
@karachi khatmal---You have the right to present your views as anyone else does.
ReplyDeleteBut you do not have the right to make up facts. "what about the fact that pakistan has one of the highest recorded incidences of rapes on the entire planet?"
No, it doesn't. Please use real information to support your arguments. Pakistan isn't even among the top rapist nations.
@ H Maryam Islam
ReplyDeleteYou are right. I should have qualified my argument better.
Pakistan actually does not have verifiable rape incidence figures. what i had based my outburst on was the fact that a report compiled by the HRW showed that the number of reported incidents of rape in Pakistan displayed a pattern that suggested an abnormally high rate of rape incidents. however, that report was released in 1991, and covered six months. i have little reason to believe the situation has improved, but once again it is not exactly how i claimed the picture to be.
my bad.
Asma Jehangir (visually a female version of Altaf Hussain manhoos):
ReplyDeleteHer husband ---> I.A. Rehman (Head of HRCP and a devoted Qadyani)
What else can I say...
Who says rape cases in Pakistan are going down because of Asma Jahangir and Mukhtaran Mai? Everything has gone up after that, especially the amounts of Euros and Dollars that NGOs run by both ladies received from western embassies and governments. If any of the two had to pay a dollar for every case of rape and violence against women after the Mukhtaran Mai case, both would've been bankrupt by now. There has been absolutely no change in Pakistan after the 'heroism' of both Asma Jahangir and Muktaran Mai. The only change is in their bank balances. It is a shame for both of them that they pocketed god knows how many Euros and dollars when Pakistan earlier this year had to read the sad story of the poor Sindhi pregnant young woman thrown to hungry dogs by male relatives over land settlement. Not to mention the 3 or 4 poor Balochi women buried alive last year. What did Asma Jahangir and Mukhtaran Mai do for them? Nothing. You know why? Because both cases are too much of a headache, too far away deep in the countryside where there are no TV cameras, and hence there is no chance that Asma Jahangir and Muktaran Mai would get any media coverage leading up to more money from the western embassies and governments and donors.