Just when I was trying to begin to develop a renewed respect for Mr. Nawaz Sharif, a new example of hypocrisy by the former prime minister hit me smack in the face. I lost respect for Mr. Sharif the day he ordered the army chief to be kidnapped in a plane and landed in India, of all places. That was a long time ago, so I said to myself let's try to develop a new respect for the former premier, especially when Mr. Sharif worked hard over the past one year to build an image of himself as a Pakistani nationalist. I am a hardcore PakNationalist myself. Unlike many other politicians, Mr. Sharif wasn't afraid to criticize U.S. president Obama and his Pakistan policies. But then something strange happened. Mr. Holbrooke landed in Pakistan last Monday, the U.S. Embassy called and Mr. Sharif and brother, the Angry Sharif Jr., were racing the winds at the break of dawn, taking the highway from Lahore to Islamabad Tuesday morning to be at the U.S. embassy in time to meet Mr. Holbrooke who asked to see the two brothers. It was amazing. Mr. Sharif's anti-Obama posturing is for public consumption. In private, Mr. Sharif has no problem to be summoned by Obama's top dog for the region. The next day, Mr. Sharif's hired gun, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, put on his best face to spin the story. "We are not carried away by the sudden American interest in our party", "Nawaz Sharif spent most of the meeting defending ISI and the Army", "We'll never compromise principles". These were some of the gems announced by Mr. Sharif's spin man. The truth is, the Sharif brothers went to the U.S. Embassy alone and didn't take along any party member. So this wasn't a party visit. This was a personal-cum-family visit to see if the Americans would agree to ditch Zardari and PPP and help Nawaz Sharif 'return' to his rightful seat, the premiership. It was hunger for power that took the Sharif brothers to the U.S. embassy. If Mr. Sharif was a real Pakistani nationalist, he would have asked Mr. Holbrooke to come to Lahore, or at least to the Punjab House in the federal capital which is the official venue for a foreign government official to meet the chief minister of a Pakistani province. Nawaz Sharif also knows that when he was facing possible execution for treason in 1999, it was a U.S. president, Bill Clinton, who came to his rescue and organized the 'deal' that saved his neck. A close friend of Imran Khan quoted the cricketer making this private comment last year about Nawaz Sharif, "You can't trust him. He's deceiver." Imran said this when Mr. Sharif misled everyone by encouraging them not to run in last year's elections under Musharraf and then one fine morning decided to ditch all opposition parties and went along with 'U.S. dealmakers' BB and Zardari.
Ahmed bhai! this shudn't come as a surprise for us. we can go on naming sharif, zardari, benazir,musharraf etc., All these politicians/dictators have proved themselves to be american stooge.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteIt just sickens me to see the priorities set by our politicians. I mean comeon' our country is burning and surrounded by enemies and our politicians top most priority is to somehow repeal 582B.
ReplyDeleteWe had already seen Sharif's second term and the way he tried to wield dictatorial powers. 14th Amendment - And the 15th amendment which was stuck in the Senate? Ring any bells? Why should we expect anything different now. Although i have serious reservation on this 'hijacking case' in which only Nawaz Sharif was convicted. I heard from the brother of the pilot of the plane that this so-called hijacking was a drama and Musharraf himself was controlling the plane from the air.
ReplyDeleteSo lets here it as it is, lets not create half truths, fairytales and outright lies to ease the army back in to power. The military establishment is public enemy number one in Pakistan. Coupgemony equals american hegemony. Period.
ReplyDeleteSadly, its an old story and being a nationalist myself, it was never a hidden agenda from someone like me, who feels the cold heat.
ReplyDeleteThe show must go one....
I have written these corrupt politicians off from my books a loooong time ago. The last legal and loyal government was of Khwaja Nazimuddin. Any subsequent governments after that have no "real" legal base. Tell me which one was legitimate. The few 6-months long government of Post Khwaja Nazimuddin Era? Iskander Mirza's civilian-wrapped Marshal Law? Ayub's, Zia's Marshal law? or Bhutto's authoritative-autocratic "democratic" governments? There has been a long history of violation of constitution, compromising national interests (simla agreements, giving the location of Khalistan movement leaders to India etc.), killing of political opponents, using the national exchequer for personal use. The list goes on.
ReplyDeleteThese corrupt rulers are all power hungary. None of them is truly a leader of public. A public leader only comes in power to help the public. They represent and defend the rights of their community. Like MA Jinnah. He fought for the protection of Muslims' rights.
As long as these political leaders are in the political scene, no real progress can take place.
The time has come to start things from scratch; to have the Pakistan "Born Again". This can only accomplish when we, the Pakistani public, stop believing in this charad of democracy. It is only good for amusement.
"Somebody" has to give a sudden halt to this and form a government of technocrats (loyal ordinary citizens of Pakistan) who can rule for good 25-30 years and "build the nation": infrastructure, economy, healthcare and education geared towards making citizens of Pakistan Allah fearing, virtuous, compassionate, tolerant and knowledgeable.
And that "somebody" could be the revolutionary power of the angry Pakistanis who have had enough OR Pakistan Military.
For Khusro,
ReplyDeleteYour assessment is technically wrong. You are comparing the good year of Nawaz Sharif (debateable) to a bad year of Musharraf. You have completely ignored all the good that was done from 1999 - 2006. Those were really commendable efforts that you never saw in the time of Nawaz Sharif. Those developmental projects are not only good in numbers but also in quality: Opening up of a Marine University in Baluchistan which will develop the fisheries industry there. He opened many new universities and colleges throughout Pakistan specially in those places that were previously neglected such as Mianwali etc. (I don't have the link to that news items but it surely leaves me proud and happy).
These corrupt politicians ARE the reason of Pakistan's downfall. Such a strong blow to Pakistan's prosperity SHOULD ONLY be dealt with IRON HAND: Capital Punishment should be enforced for such chronic criminals.
Even though, I may disagree with Musharraf on many counts but loyalty and love for Pakistan oozes out from each of his crevices.
Look at the august reception he received in China. A man who is NOT in power is getting a princely reception with highest security (accorded only to the ruling premiers). Is n't that something?
You BET it is.
AQ, how many more people will you to -like many of us- attach hope to, only to find them not living up to it? before realizing that our only solution is restablishment of Khilafah.
ReplyDeleteplease name the "many colleges and universities". Please identify the people who have benefited from these colleges and universities. Please describe this "iron hand" of Musharraf. Where is all this progress? Is it invisible? ephemeral? spiritual? Why do I see even more poverty, more lawlessness, more misery and more corruption then ever? Is this the legacy Musharraf left. If this is progress for you, then I guess we get the leaders we deserve. Kindly comment on the water and power crisis, the failure to add anything to the power grid, the record inflation, unemployment and violence. Do not talk about "extrinsic factors" and "foreign hands"-these arguments are worn out, hollow and meaningless. Musharraf gave in to every single demand of the Americans. Which reality do you live in? What could be sold of Pakistan's sovereignty and honor was sold by Musharraf. He was a spineless paranoid dictator who was humiliated and dispatched from office by Iftikhar Chaudhry, who along with the current supreme court bench is the only real hope Pakistan has.
ReplyDeleteMusharraf must be hanged publicly in order for real accountability and real progress to commence. The military establishment's filthy blood-stained hands need to be kept out of Pakistani politics. After committing genocide in East Pakistan, being America's most faithful anchor in South Asia and losing four wars to India they should understand that they need to improve their skill in defending the country instead of running it into the ground.
What kind of nation wants to be run by flatfoots and grunts? This says a lot about our subservient mentality. No wonder that apart from the tribal areas and a small area of modern day sind, the british empire faced no resistance in what is today Pakistan.
ReplyDelete@ Khusro
ReplyDeleteSo why don't you go to Iftikhar Chudhery's court against him so that nation can see the JUSTICE.Huh
ReplyDeleteYou are just full of mindless hatred for Musharraf so much so that you are unable to appreciate the good works done by Musharraf. There are many local and foreign people who can attest to that.
Read the "Economy", "Poverty Alleviation" and "Education" section of this site below:
Here are some excerpts:
In 1988 Pakistan’s foreign debt was $18 billion, but at the end of 1999 it had accumulated to become $38 billion. A 100% increased burden on the already crippled economy. Public and external debt exceeded 300% of Foreign exchange earnings
Pakistan’s economy grew by 100% — to become $ 160 billion
Revenue grew by 100% — to become $ 11.4 billion
Per Capita Income grew by 100% — to become $ 925
Foreign Reserves grew by 500% — to become $ 17 billion
Exports grew by 100% — to become $ 18.5 billion
Textile exports grew by 100% — to become $ 11.2 billion
Karachi Stock Exchange grew by 500% — to become $ 75 billion
Here is some more juice for you "Khusro":
Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water & Marine Sciences, UTHAL, Balochistan
Now about that corrupt Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry:
This clown is equally guilty of voilation the constitution. He used his power to alter the grades of his son.
Now that he is "reinstated" let's see if he has the same ethics to try Zardari for the same "crimes" Musharraf was guilty of. He won't since he struck a deal Zardari not to challenge the NRO.
Lets wait and watch how the game unfolds in tgis "Democratic" Pakistan.
Alright Asher, here's the thing. While Musharraf was still around and I repeat (July 2008 and remember these figures represent the economic activity of the previous fiscal year), still around, foreign exchange reserves dropped to 9 billion from 16 billion...how..no one knows.... The foreign debt was actually 30 billion when Nawaz Sharif left and 41billion when Musharraf left.
ReplyDeleteThe current deficit...while Musharraf was still around.. increased to an all time record of 14 billion. These are official figures, not from Wikipedia. If you had bothered to check your source of information properly, you would have found that the Wikipedia article on Musharraf has a disclaimer at the top saying "this article is written like an advertisement" and that they require more entries to make the article neutral. I would'nt be surprised if someone from ahmedquraishi.com wrote that article. Inflation, my friend, was an all time high of 24%. When you put the "record growth" of Messrs. Aziz and Musharraf in the context of the inflation and the current deifict you mighjt be able to see that an unregulated robber-baronesque money making excursion by pakistan's richest companies and individuals, the likes of which has never been seen before, resulted in the artificial growth of the economy. None of this activity was sustainable and it all came crashing down well before Zardari (who is in terms of intelligence worse then Musharraf but less evil and megalomaniacal then him)took power and when Musharraf was still firmly entrenched in power. Pakistan continues to feel the consequences of Musharraf's economic policies.
The economy aside, Musharraf's typically martial (read idiotic) approach towards Balochistan and the tribal areas has brought things to the point that we are now in danger of Pakistan being divided yet again. Let us have no doubts that it was Musharraf's subservience to the United states and his vestigial military mind that led to the current crises in these areas. If anyone is still in doubt that we are in danger of losing control of these areas entirely, think again.
Any way, this blog, as is painfully obvious, is a mouthpiece of the ISI and a personality cult of Musharraf so I would'nt waste my time here again. I would just urge those who visit this blog and quraishi's website to see beyond the statistics and lies thrown around by these people and focus on what the five senses that God gave them tell them about what happened to Pakistan under Musharraf, what continues to happen and how we need a new grassroots political party with none of the old tried and tested faustian knaves. We need above all, justice and despite his history of being a judge who took oath under the PCO, his subsequent actions indicate that Iftikhat Chaudry might be the person that puts Pakistan on the right track
I am, Asher, full of a MINDFUL hatred of Musharraf. What is truely mindless is to continue to exalt a mass-murdering, dishonest, traitorous, irreligious and evil military dictator. The Lal Masjid and Bugti cases will be accepted I hope and inshallah we will see a military dictator hang for the first time in Pakistan's history. No uniformed traitorous ingrate will dare to usurp power after that as dictators are (read Ayub, Zia and Musharraf) eventually, cowards and nothing more.,
ReplyDeleteThere is a very logical reason for the current account deficit and the foreign reserves depletion. The unexpected oil price hike was disastrous for our import bill. On top of that the currency also depreciated, without an increase in the demand for exports, which means that our imports became more expensive and our exports now earned less foreign exchange. {Also remember that the depreciation may be credited to security conditions, or financial market conditions, but were beyond the influence of Musharraf himself}.The government was pursuing a policy of increasing investment, so subsidies were given on natural resources {including oil at the time of its high price}, and there were also tax relaxations. This increased the government budget deficit and borrowing had to be done from the central bank {consistently} to finance it, which was one of the major causes of inflation {the other one being imports becoming more expensive.}
You may have ideological differences with wealth redistribution policies, but this economic policy was working fine till your beloved politicians and lawyers decided to screw things up. Instability and worsening security conditions made investors loose their confidence; we lost the investment and were left with only the cost we had to pay for it. Who would be stupid enough to bring his capital to a country, whose foreign minister himself says ‘we have been lying to you for the past 8 years, our economy is in shambles, God help us’ { Ishaq Darz first press conference}
As for the US alliance, yes, Musharraf should have drawn some lines, but compared to the civilian remote controlled jackasses, I would say he was a better leader even on his worst day. He had his good bad and ugly points. Grow up and look at Musharraf as history would, a former president of Pakistan…not as the dark Vader the Media has made him. And let go of him. People like you have clung to him and don’t want to move forward. Talking about his execution may satisfy your ego, but will only result to more instability for Pakistan. ‘Justice for all’ is one of the most important axims of law, and if a list of people who should be executed is drawn, we will have to get rid of 99% of the polity before Musharrafz name is even considered. I don’t know about your principles…but I would not take it sitting down.
And I would just urge you my friend, to use the one thing God gave us…called a brain, forget the five senses. Learn to ACCEPT difference of opinion, before you go fighting for freedom of expression.
it sounds like the economic policy was working for you laila. it was'nt working, though, for the vast majority of pakistanis. you can make any amount of excuses for musharraf but nothing can change the fact that he was a dictator, violated the constitution, killed his own people, treated the judiciary like a personal asset and left pakistan more fragmented, violent and poverty stricken then it has ever been. i want to move forward as much as you do but there can be no change without accountability and that will begin with a treason, murder and perjury trial pf musharraf. pakistanis have already decided what they think about musharraf laila. read the writing on the wall. i would ask you to use your brain as you asked me to do but i do not have much faith in it judging from your post. by the way, it's darth vader not dark vader and the oil pricee hike had absolutely nothing to do with the economic crisis. the reason for the crisis was a filthy dictator who was supported by a personality cult made up of rich people with vested interests. anyway i'm through with this blog...its not worth my time of day
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete1. In 1998 the Rupee exchange rate was 44.5/$1 Musharraf took over in Oct 1999 and the exchange rate jumped to 51.90 for the year. When Musharraf was forced out, the exchange rate was over 75 rupees effectively wiping out 70% of the 'economic gains' reported by Musharraf's government.
ReplyDelete2. Pakistan's external debt ballooned from $35 billion in 1998 to $47 billion in 2007 (and I thougt we GAINED $10 billion in US aid over this period?!) And lets not forget over $10 billion dollars in rescheduled debt; payments on which are now coming due (Ah, there goes your debt servicing difference)
Internal debt ballooned from $29 billion to $50 billion over the same period
3. Last but not the least inflation jumped by almost 3 points for all indices over the same period
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, I thought you had decided not to visit us again….
Excuse me for not being a Star Wars fan. My due apologies… but I know my economics, and “filthy dictators” and “personality cults” don’t exactly classify as economic factors, where as price hikes do, you can consult any basic text book, or economic report …..but you probably don’t have time to do that. It doesnt really matter does it, whether its economy, law, foreign policy, political reform…..it all comes down to the same ‘constitution, dictator, wring his neck’ crap. With the PPP going all out to keep its jiyalas happy, creating jobs that don’t exist, lets see how much more aid we need for the government to barely survive without going bankrupt. Why doesn’t your great Chief Justice look into it? Or perhaps his economics is as twisted as yours.
Unfortunately all problems cant be solved by shouting slogans in the streets. It is a lesson our politicians are not likely to learn. So continue your vendetta, lets see where that takes us. Core issues will remain slave to political melodramas.
You can also refer to Shaukat Tarinz press conference today for new hope on the economic policy…it was hilarious. Talk about fooling the people. But I guess what I say is in vain.
After all you are not visiting us again….
All praise to the' Commander of the Faithful '
ReplyDeleteSharif has been in the country for what less than 2 years and hes already caused so many problems from his comments during 26/11 to the ' long march' . Sharif should just go and buy a penthouse in Dubai and stay there
Why has Sharif not been charged for hijacking mushraff plane ?
ReplyDeleteAs for economics , the bottom line is neither mushraff or shariff was prepared to tax the super rich . They both sold national assets below market value. they both trampled on the constitution.
As for the exchange rate, what was the exchange rate when nawaz took over ?
I see the same people in these blogs, over and over again. They've been exalting musharraf and vindicating each of his crimes tirelessly, faithfully and unfailingly. It's about time they sought treatment for this unhealthy preoccupation with a slimy knave of a military dictator. The pakistani nation is far too intelligent for anyone to say that musharraf is the best we can get. Saying so is not patriotism but is tantamount to labeling Pakistan a nation of cretins. The young men and women of Pakistan need to CREATE leadership, not look for it in general headquarters. the military establishment and most prominently, musharraf, has run Pakistan into the ground. when musharraf took over in 1998, he told the nation that it could fall no further, it could only rise. he then proceeded to show the nation otherwise and took it on a journey into a bottomless pit.
ReplyDeletemusharraf should be shot summarily, if for nothing else, for violating over and over and over again the constitution of Pakistan. Supporters of musharraf should be ashamed of themselves. The right to an opinion is one thing but supporting and aiding a military dictator who kidnapped, tortured and killed thousands of balochis, pashtuns and other muslims, who sold his country to the united states,who gifted karachi back to the MQM (the worst scourge of terrorism Pakistan has ever seen, far then any religious outfit),who treated the highest courts of Pakistan like some game, who destroyed the economy by handing it over to an unqualified banker and who presided over more robberies, home-invasions, corporate corruption and other crime then Pakistan has ever seen is another thing. anyone who supports musharraf either out of stupidity, ignorance or vested interest is not a "nationalist" or "patriot" but an enemy of Pakistan
musharraf's 1st armoured division suffered a humiliating defeat at khemkaran, india, in the '65 war. in 1998 he led pakistan to another humiliation in kargil. It seems the man has nothing else to offer his country but humiliation.
ReplyDeleteYou just make me laugh. Your rant is full of just emotional swings. You are not backing your assertion man(woman)!!!
1) ...he tortured and killed Balochis... (you don't care even if those Baluchis were renegades and die hard criminals who just want to create unrest in the province as to thwart the most important project in Pakistan's history: Gwadar's deep sea port)
2) ...who sold his country to US... (Which ruler hasn't? How is Zardari different then? He has gone further in US servitude: He licks their asses)
3) ...slimy knave of a military dictator... (Really?
Then why did he get this Royal treatment in China? http://pakistankakhudahafiz.wordpress.com/2009/04/11/musharraf-to-china-play-a-more-proactive-role/
Also watch:
I'm glad I make you laugh Asher, because you make ME weep with your wikipedia knowledge and your pathological love for Musharraf.If youtube, wikipedia and lol..khudahafiz.com are your fountains of wisdom, I pity you. Try to open a book and read it instead of surfing the internet. If you have trouble comprehending certain things (like Musharraf's traitorous, iniquitous, narcissistic and anti-social nature),I can help you out with that at no charge. See, you would be simply pitiable and ridiculous with your copy and paste internet knowledge but the problem is there are people even less intelligent then you (yes, unfortunately that is possible) who you misguide with your utter nonsense. In that way you encourage people to support a military dictator (slimy of course)and enable him to harm my country even more. That forces me to expose the depth of your stupidity and your lack of knowledge.
ReplyDeleteAsher, although the internet is not a good source of education (try school), it's one beauty is that it enables me to unsubscribe from this blog and not have to read your inevitably idiotic response. This blog is all yours, it is irredemable.
mr shamas
ReplyDeleteyouhave written
1-when musharraf took over in 1998, he told the nation that it could fall no further, it could
only rise."
Ans: and he fulfil his promise have a glimpse at
and please let me know any so called democratic leader (actually worst civil tyrants) deliver
even 10% of achievement of a dictator
mr remember system that deliver something is far better then the totally rotten system with inept
leaders like nawaz shareef and asif zardari from your rotten mind and thoughts it is crystal
clear that you are either a fanatic religeous extremist or Nawaz league illiterate voter from
mandi bahauddin or cheecha watni . grow up mr and donot twist the fact to fool the nation.
pervaiz musharraf has massive support among the literates of pakistan. adn soon you will see it.
2- "The young men and women of Pakistan need to CREATE leadership, not look for it in general
headquarters. the military establishment blah blah blah two or three line of garbage"
Ans: mr pakistani donot want to see CIA sponsored criminals, traitors hijackers, cleriks, looters, absconders and
civil tyrants as there leaders, leaders from GHQ are atleast patriot and not soldout as Zardari
and Nawaz shareef and theirs brainless goons.
you brainless shit , damn chap in your narrow point of view crimes of musharraf are
3) military dictator who kidnapped, tortured and killed thousands of balochis, pashtuns and other
Ans: you illiterates and nonsense havent any belly ache when these baluchis pashtuns and other
muslims (actually terrosits create anarchy in the country, challenge the writ of the state, where
were u all bastards when these hooligans ask support from india and america, where were you all
bastards when pipelines of sui gas blown up ,our foreign friends working on projects of pakistan
were abducted? in my point of view you all musharraf bashers should be hanged to death on account
of misguiding the illiterate nation)
4)who sold his country to the united states
Ans: you hypocrates will close your eyes when your ameer ul momineen will do the same at that
time you will say innocently that this is in the best interest of pakistan ....
5) who gifted karachi back to the MQM (the worst scourge of terrorism Pakistan has ever seen
Ans: MQM is the representative of people of Karachi , shutup for your stupid remarks, karachi was
, is and will be the fort of MQM. people of karachi love MQM , your civil tyrants in the grab of
democratic leadership is the responsible of mayhem of thousands of innocent karachities during
1990s. prejuidice people like you want karachi to burn in fire always.
6)who treated the highest courts of Pakistan
Ans: and what that highest court was doing at that time ?? took 6000 suomotos oh my God ,
chaudhry went made at that time and want to take govt in his incompetent hands some friends have
compiled a report about the innocency of Apex judiciary a mesiah for the jahils like mr shams,
please read the report at
7)who destroyed the economy by handing it over to an unqualified banker
Ans: shut up and see www.economicpakistan.wordpress.com , musharrafsupporters.wordpress.com, if
you have 1% iq you can see the betterment in all segments of life under musharraf era else you
are as dumb as an animal and if you claim that you are not dumb animal then please publish all
your charges against musharraf and shaukat aziz with references provided in
economicpakistan.wordpress.com , baby come with fact no hancy pancy and one more thing i require
details about how your godfather mian nawaz shareef made state of raiwand , from where he got
money isnt it the money of poor taxpayers?
8)musharraf either out of stupidity, ignorance or vested interest is not a "nationalist" or
"patriot" but an enemy of Pakistan.
Ans: for the parochial and narrow mind like you who cant think beyond clan language race it may
be right , but for pakistani nationalist like us he delivered a lot to this thankless nation, you
are a true represntation of illiterate janta.
9)in 1998 he led pakistan to another humiliation in kargil.
you havent any kinowledge regarding anything man goto salaremillat.wordpress.com you will find many articles highlighting acheivements of musharraf. there you will also find an article on kargil read it with open eyes putting aside your love for incompetent leadership
Okay Sham-Ass, I am glad you are weeping and burning in the fire of senseless hatred for Musharraf.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all why not Internet? It has become the biggest repertoire of knowledge where even scientific research papers reside. But how can I expect you to know this since you belong to those areas kept backward by your corrupt "democratic" Nawaabs, Sardaars, Chaudhrys and Vaderaas. Well, you can choose to stay in stone age.
While I will continue quoting from internet. Sabiha Sumar interviewed the president and she is one of those liberals who is living a married life in India and has no stakes in Pakistan. Why would she be interested in singing praises for Musharraf?
Unfortunately, your retarded mind is incapable of appreciating the wisdom of this guy. This guy talked about bringing changes at the grass root level. He also mentioned how we had old Britsh acts where power rested with Commissioner and the police. We know for sure that Musharraf delivered his promise. The local bodies election can attest to that. Look at all the developments you can see in remote places like Mianwali. Go and see for yourself. You are not blind, are you?
As an example how good these democratic rulers are, read the charter of democracy deviced by these idiots. One of the provision says:
"..The ban on a “Prime Minister not being eligible for a third” term of office will be abolished..."
This alone is sufficient to show how sincere these bastards are for democracy. Nowhere in the world does any premier allowed to rule for more than two terms. They want to be able to rule indefinitely which is very possible in Pakistan by rigging elections, killing of political opponents etc.
Although, I dislike other politicians, I don't hate them. I am willing to acknowledge every bit of good work done by those politicians who have mostly been corrupt but you are so sociopathetically ignorant of any good done by Musharraf. That's what ticks me off. In your tireless rant, you erase "conveniently" with broad brushstrokes any good work done by Musharraf.
It is good to loose you since you are a disgusting MORON.
I am not against people not holding Musharraf dear but they have to prove and reason out.
ReplyDeleteIf you believe Musharraf destroyed the country, then tell me how? Don't give me statistical numbers since the numbers can be easily manipulated. (Read "Confessions of an economic hit man".)
I disagree with his coup. I think that happened to save his life. It was not because Nawaz was misruling. Nawaz was relatively better than other politicians but he has been as authoritative at times.
I personally belive in revamping of Pakistani Politics. That is why I don't usually side with these politicians eventhough they might have done some good work. None of them is like Mahatir bin Muhammed who desvered to be loved. None of these politicians have brought the real change: devolution of power from the vaderashahi and empowerment of common people.
There WILL NEVER be a light at the end of the tunnel if we let the current state system of Pakistani politics and governance continue.
We have to start from scratch, making and implementing rules which NOONE will be allowed to violate whether civilians or the military.
The comments from Asher and Syed reflect not only their own natures but the nature of their education and upbringing. No one who speaks like that could come from a good family or have good parents. I guess I could generalize that to all supporters of Musharraf. Only uncivilized, uncultured, uneducated and irreligious swine could support a military dictator.
ReplyDeleteMusharraf should be tried for treason, hanged publicly, cut up into five pieces. Four pieces should go to the four provinces and the head should go to the tribal areas against whom his crimes are greatest.
If Asher and Syed had any real knowledge or even a remote contact with reality they would know the percentage of "terrorists" among the people killed in Pakistan Army operations and missile strikes. They would also remember that the single biggest attack on the tribal areas was on the Bajaur madressah where 86 people died, the majority being 15 years and younger. This strike was proudly owned by brave leader Musharraf.
If Asher and Syed had lost a brother, a mother, a father, a wife or a child in one of these missile strikes or army operations they would be more empathic with those Musharraf killed.
As for Syed, his comments about the MQM reveal both his identity and his loyalty. Any supporter of MQM is automatically a criminal, a terrorist, a traitor and is not a Pakistani.
Shame on you both and shame on your parents for giving birth to such scum.
I agree with Khusro and Shamaas. Ayub Khan, Yahyah Khan, Zia ul Haq (posthumously), Musharraf, their aides (retired and active) and their supporters should be tried under article 6 of the constitution and hanged publicly In addition to the punishment prescribed by the law, their assets (fixed and movable) should also be auctioned and proceeds thereof be spent on the welfare of the families effected by the ruthless killing and kidnapping of military rulers.
ReplyDeleteGibreel, this doesn't sound like you are coming from a good family:
ReplyDelete...Musharraf should be tried for treason, hanged publicly, cut up into five pieces. Four pieces should go to the four provinces and the head should go to the tribal areas against whom his crimes are greatest...
This only shows your psycopathetic upbringing. You seem to enjoy killing and maiming with taste. Look at the gore and violence that you desire can only match that to a serial killer.
You guys are chronic-haters of change. You belong to those vaderas and chaudhry's and corrupt politicians. Any change challenges your control.
I would rather have each corrupt politician be given capital punishment, their swiss bank accounts frozen and brought back to Pakistan.
Pakistan realized late in the game what enemies' plans really were against Pakistan.
If Pakistan Army was so hated in Bajaur, then how come they formed an alliance and established peace. This is because they knew who were behind those killings and they looked up to Pakistan Army to protect them. The help finally arrived.
Now what the hell do you say about the games your "democratic leaders" are playing? If Musharraf was too US-friendly, then Zardari is a US-ass licker. If Musharraf was guilty of creating NRO, then what u say about the deafening silence of re-instated Chief Justice. He opposed Musharraf for that but he is quiet now. All of a sudden his sense of right and wrong has changed. If Musharraf was a dictator who was calling all shots then what would you call the current governmental setup where Gilani is just a prime minister by name while Zardari still calls shots.
The problem is that you DISLOYAL, BLIND, CULTIC, IRRATIONAL, EMOTIONAL minority of Pakistanis who fail to acknowledge the reality.
That alone speaks VOLUMES about your faithfulness.
For Mr. Asher
ReplyDeleteAbrogation of constitution is a much bigger crime than a murder. India is about to become a super power because a General of Indian Army can not dare to attempt a coup against an elected government. Moreover, the Indian Generals possess professional excellence and morality. The Generals of Pak Army never won a war against enemy except the WAR OF PLOTS.(By the way, we have the richest general in Pakistan). You will not find DHAs and General Colonies anywhere in the world except Pakistan. Our Generals are responsible for all the evils being faced my beloved country. As a patriotic Pakistani, I strongly feel that all the generals and their aides and supporters should be executed publicly for imposition of martial law, fall of Dhaka, Karil disaster, murder of innocent girls and boys in the Red Mosque and murder and kidnapping of Pathans and Baloachis.
Asher, my friend, an offensive in Bajaur is still ongoing and the aerial and artillery barrage has forced almost the entire population out of the area. So I don't know what love for the military and what peace you are talking about. This is something that is in the newspaper every day so you are either completely ignorant or simply dishonest. Just how misinformed are you?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you keeo bringing zardari up? No one has defended him. No one wants to defend him. So why are you the only person who keeps evoking him and nawaz sharif? are you delusional? obsessive? do you have emotional problems? were you abused in childhood?
by the way, lets hang Musharraf and Altaf Hussein together, they're like two peas in a pod. Let's rid the world of both these ugly pigs.
I disagree when gibreel, Rehman and shamass who blindly make these sweeping statements: All Generals are responsible for all the problems of Pakistan? This in itself is entirely incorrect. We have seen the "democratic" leaders, and we have seen how they ruled: all busy in furthering their rule, following the diktats of 'masters' and not doing the essential things for the public.
ReplyDeleteAs a result we are behind in many ways from the other nations. Pakistan's main problems are CORRUPT politicians who almost always come from Vaderas, Chaudhry's, Sardars etc.
No military personal gets free plots. This is what ticks me off when people like Rehman make huge generalizations without regard to reality. There are businessmen who pool their incomes and buy huge pieces of land and then they sell it to whoever wants to buy. In Karachi societies like "PECHS", "SMCHS" etc are created like this. The DHA was a land bought by Pakistan Military. Each officer had the option to PURCHASE the land based on the MARKET VALUE of THAT TIME. It doesn't make sense to criticize DHA for that. Now DHA is the most developed area of any city and MANY civilians have purchased plots there. So what is your complain?
I dislike it when you guys let yourself play by the enemies of Pakistan who are raising such slogans to make Pakistan Army, ISI, Pakistan's nuclear program un popular.
Anyways, the only way forward for Pakistan is that Army intervens and dissolve this governement of crooks and criminals. Appoint loyal citizens of Pakistan from every walk of live (teachers, doctors, engineers etc.). They need to ban all the current corrupt politicians from taking part and haul all the democratic parties on democratic basis. No parties should choose the founder and their families as the eternal party leader.
Mr. Asher, do you think that our top military officers are so rich that they can buy as many plots as they want at market price ? Do you know that DHAs in Karachi and Lahore were civil societies like PECSH of Karachi ? Do you know that military (like a qabza group) recently took over Parkview Society (near Airport), Lahore.
ReplyDeleteYes, Asher. The military will intervene and bring clean-cut, salt-of-the-earth honest souls...just like Ayub Khan produced the incorruptible basic democrats...just like Zia gifted us with the MQM, the Gujrat Chaudrys, Nawaz Sharif and the mullahs of his majlis-e-shurah..just like Musharraf gifted Karachi back to the MQM, brought back the gujrat chaudrys, sheikh rashid, the magnificent Wasi Zafar, etc. etc.
ReplyDeleteThe military is America's favorite anchor be it in latin america or in pakistan. with traitors like zia, ayub and musharraf it is easy for them to control pakistan through one un-elected minimally intelligent person. With democracy it becomes much harder for them to do so. Much as zardari would love to be a faithful servant of the west, the lawyers movement and justice chaudry have put the fear of God and of the people of Pakistan in his heart as well as in the hearts of all uniformed traitors which is why, my friend, the army will never intervene again. Because, rightfully, the army of pakistan fears it's people.
Well, what they say about a design against Pakistan Army, ISI and Nuclear proliferation gets ratified by the views expressed here by Khusro, A Rahman, Shamass and the likes. They all dislike the very forces which are essential for any state to exist. America has it, India has it, the world has it, why not Pakistan?
ReplyDeleteThere is a whole lot of corruption in Indian Army. Their suicidal rate is so high something which is unheard of Pakistan Army.
This discussion is almost closed. I came back just to publish one link which talks of how much development had been made during Musharraf's time. Few threads ago, someone asked me what exactly Musharraf did. So, my friends here it is:
This can all be easily verified.
because, dear boy, their intelligence agencies spend more time spying on us and the ISI spends more time rigging elections and creating strife among it's own people. musharraf must be tried for treason. there is no way forward and no lesson for future uniformed traitors unless he is tried for corruption, murder and high treason.
ReplyDeleteGen.Mush was one of the best which happened to PAK. And N. Sharif was never sharif and will not be.
ReplyDelete@khusro- I do not know what you want and how you make your assesement about fake democracy but your opinion holds credibility because you belong to PAK.
I may be wrong but I think, he managed to stablizie PAK atleast which is becoming a tough job day by day.Am I wrong ?