Indian Beheads Granddaughter For Good Harvest
No, this is not about some ‘anti-women’ Islamic extremists in Afghanistan, or some fake Taliban in northern Pakistan flogging a girl whom America is using as a pretext to destabilize Pakistan. This is India, the world’s biggest graveyard for newborn baby girls who are buried alive in the thousands each year. But you won’t hear about it in the American and the British media. Washington and London are two countries that are grooming India to be their new slave-soldier in Asia. And for this purpose, the mainstream media in the two countries is projecting India like never before [how strange that the free and democratic media in Britain and US faithfully mirrors their government’s national security objectives?] This is why you won’t see this story in the mainstream American and British media. In fact, I did a non-scientific survey and discovered that only one newspaper in the entire Free World published this story: the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia. The story was not published in Washington or London because it probably hurts the image of a rising power that America and Britain are cultivating for India. Or maybe because mainstream British and American news networks [esp. CNN and BBC] have inducted so many Indian faces that these won’t allow such stories about India to come out anyway. The inductions of Indians in CNN and BBC, for example, are highly disproportionate to the numbers of Indians living in both America and England. They are also disproportionate to the global figures. Going by those, there should be more Chinese faces on CNN and BBC. So this is enough to shut up any CNN or BBC official who tries to hide behind excuses such as ethnic diversity, etc. Everyone should remember that these are the same ‘major news networks’ that peddled the lies of Bush, Powell, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Rice about Iraq. So here’s the story that you won’t see in the Anglo-American press. Imagine if this had happened in Pakistan? Worse still, imagine if this news report about thousands of baby girls killed in India each year was actually about Pakistan? Or if this video of an American woman and another one about this poor woman being beaten by Indian Hindu terrorists happened in Pakistan? Please watch these two last videos, one from America and the other one form India, and see who treats women worse: The Taliban [even if they’re fake, in Pakistan’s case] or the Americans and the Indians? And then read this story: [BTW, the picture above is of a decomposed body afloat in Ganga, India's most sacred and holy river, where dead bodies are burned and then left to wander.]:April 28, 2009 - 2:02PM
A 10-year-old Indian girl was beheaded by her grandfather, who believed that sowing seeds mixed with her blood would yield a bumper crop.
The killing, spurred by age-old superstitions, took place on Sunday in the tribal region of Sambalpur, 450 kilometres west of Bhubaneshwar, the capital of Orissa state, the IANS news agency reported.
The barbaric crime was detected after the villagers caught the man, Rajesh Hembram, and handed him over to the police.
Hembram, who owned 1.2 hectares of farmland, planned to sow seeds mixed with the blood of his granddaughter on Monday on Akshaya Tritya, a day considered auspicious by Hindus, police said.
"He cut off his granddaughter Bernaka Kandulana's head with an axe in a room when nobody was at home and drained her blood into a pot," P.C. Nayak, a police inspector said.
"We found some seeds in a steel pot that were mixed with blood," he said. Police said the man was arrested and had admitted his crime.
India has a centuries-old tradition of human sacrifices to appease deities, gain prosperity or ward off evil. Some cases are still reported around the country.
In recent years, parents in Orissa sacrificed their two sons on advice of an occult practitioner that it would please the gods and bring them prosperity.
Cases of such sacrifices have also been reported from other states such as Uttar Pradesh and the rest of India, including urban areas.
"The barbaric crime was detected after the villagers caught the man, Rajesh Hembram, and handed him over to the police."
ReplyDelete---Read this again & again, so that it makes some sense to you.
the above comment needs to be addressed.
ReplyDelete"...He cut off his granddaughter Bernaka Kandulana's head with an axe in a room when nobody was at home and drained her blood into a pot...India has a centuries-old tradition of human sacrifices to appease deities, gain prosperity or ward off evil...In recent years, parents in Orissa sacrificed their two sons on advice of an occult practitioner that it would please the gods and bring them prosperity. Cases of such sacrifices have also been reported from other states such as Uttar Pradesh and the rest of India, including urban areas..."
ReplyDeleteRead this again and again and again before you point your dirty fingers on Islam. Next time, I don't wanna see you criticising Islam or linking it any ways with violence. It PISSES the hell out of me when you raise perceived Islamic persecution of women and turn around and burn your daughters or grand-daughters alive.
is this really new to us ? NO...we knew that the indian hindus do such things since long ago ...tell us something new please this is old news and everyday practice in india ,going on for centuries ...this is the reason why many indians hate this religion,
ReplyDeleteThis nothing new to Indians in India either, these are all reported in the media. All religions are fucked up and thats why people under the influence of commit such barbaric acts all over the world. The world needs less religion for progress. India has got serious issues with such ignorance just as Pakistan and other south asian countries have. So instead of having hate blogs against each other, look at educating people away from religious practices. Religion is just politics in disguise.